Welcome to Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

The Department of Electronics and Telecommunication was established in the year 2009 with the intake capacity of 60 with the mission to impart the quality education to the budding engineers. As the 21stcentury is the century of communication and competition, our main motto is to nurture graduates who will be technically sound, well cultured and globally competent. Currently, the department has 08 full time, dedicated, well qualified and experienced faculties having professional experience from 4 to 16 years and four supporting staff. Our faculty members are experts in the areas they teach. Department has 08 well-equipped laboratories with advanced equipment & softwares set up for supporting our curricula, especially in the areas of electronics and communication. The department is associated with IETE and has been actively involved in organizing various state & National level technical events like Promethin; social events like Blood donation camp, career guidance etc. and also in various co-curricular & extra-curricular activities. We emphasize team work to give opportunity to each student to benefit from the ideas and intelligence of their classmates. We have the tradition of excellent results. In order to give industry exposure to students, the department has organized industrial visits. Also, industry-institute interaction is maintained by organizing guest lectures, workshops of industry professionals and academicians.

Teaching Staff

Moeenuddin Muhammad Mohsin

Assistant Professor


Non-Teaching Staff


Lab Assistant


Staff Achievement


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Achievement details in 2-3 lines


Achievement details in 2-3 lines

Students Achievement


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Achievement details in 2-3 lines


Achievement details in 2-3 lines